Monday 11 July 2022

Developing A Progressive Mindset And Overcoming Unpleasant Life Challenges

Whatever challenges in Life that makes an Individual unhappy is not beyond eradication. There is the reality of Divine Energy which sustains Creation and empowers the entire Universe and its constituents for good. Each Human is an accessory to this and actually not helpless in the scheme of things. The Human body is energized by the Life Force which exist as the Individuated Consciousness within, and is called the Human Spirit. This functions with the brain, nervous system and the entire biological frame work of the body. With this medium of brain and other nervous system interacting with the indwelling Human Spirit in the human body, the Mind of the human body is formed. The Mind interacts with the invisible weaving of the Universe as well as the waves associated with Creation. Hence, it is very important to guard the thoughts against wrong or negative expressions. Also the vocal cords are induced into forming, Sounds, by the vibration impulses of the Human Spirits. Hence, human words and the mindset are connected. Do not use your words for negative expressions because they induce negative reaction or occurrences. 

Strive not to be mentally attached to unpleasant experiences, but fix your mind on improvement and possible solutions. Do not assume the feeling of hopelessness but fix your mind on hope and have faith in your ability to achieve something better. What is assumed as Failure is meant to be a lesson to make improvements and evaluate the reason for previous failures. Never give up in aspiration that is aimed towards good and value to others. There are consequence for every actions and inaction by the ways of the universe. What we give to life gets back to us as something to learn from. Have in your mindset that the Universe is imbued with every opportunity for growth, success and progressive experiences. Nothing happens by chance, they come to be by a causative factor. 

However, every human experiences is determined by the perception given to them by the Individual Himself. What you think and feel about something form your perspective of what you think as a reality. The French Philosopher, Rene Descartes inferred this in his, "Corgito Ego Sum", maxim [ I think, therefore I am]. 

Never place a stumbling block in your mind by thinking of obstacle to achieving a progressive change to a situation that is not pleasant. The Mind can attune with the Divine Energy to first fix a wish for a progressive change through Prayer, or Affirmation or Decree. This is placed in the Universe for manifestation in the form of "invisible programming", then the right actions actions are required to bring about actual expressions. Do not feel any worried thoughts or doubts in the process, because the reality of the Universal Law of Attraction is real as a later post will give deeper exposition on that. 

Mindset and life change form an ever constant part of the personal development which carries you towards the achievement of your goals and dreams.

For anyone who has spent time in doing personal development, the value of getting your mindset right, adapting and undergoing mindset change so that you can get on target for what you want is simple stuff. And with our results being reflective of our state of mind, we generally know once we have begun forays into mindset work, that we have to adapt and grow so that the external world can reflect what we are creating internally.

I am presenting an eBook as a follow up to this essay which will help you get a deeper and helpful insight on the theme of this topic. Please, get your copy on download by placing your order, Thanks for reading.


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