Sunday 17 July 2022

Motivational Insight On The Genuine Ways To Earn Money Online And The Spiritual Implication Of Internet Scam, Part 1

The post presented below is a Part 1 of a well packed Enlightenment series which should be read carefully and patiently in-between line from the beginning to the end of the post. You will never be bored with your reading experience on this Post, Thank You. 

There are many genuine ways to earn money online. However, implementing them is only connected with the individuals dispositions, creative passions and what the individual is trained to engage in. Not all ways to make money online is well fitted for everyone. The Schemes implemented to genuinely make money online require absolute patients and perseverance as well as the willingness to learn through the process by trying out that which have been learnt in the efforts undertaken. The Individual seeking to make money online will also have to review what abilities and knowledge they possess that will adapt to the explorations and activities they wish to implement in making money online. 
 Special Affirmation For Money And Wealth Attraction.Try To Practice Saying These Statements To Yourself [three times repetitively at each moments of Affirmative Prayer].Use These Affirmative Prayer Everyday And Expect Wonderful Results;

The Internet or Cyber World have its own unique Economics and it is real human that converge on the cyber space to find what will be of value to them. Some come to play and have fun online. Some come to get off the state of boredom. Some come online to find new friends, and possibly fix themselves on a date with a stranger. Some come online to learn something new or enhance on the knowledge they have. Some get online for the purpose of building business communication. Some come online to feed their curiosity on several issues that they want to feast their mind with. There are also many other reasons that get people online. This makes the Cyber Space a virtual community of people doing certain things or been engaged in some ways online. Internet Data Plan and the medium of accessing the Cyber Space is provided by "a real Industry" which reaps from it. 

It is very bad when people take advantage of other peoples cyber engagements to exploit their emotions negatively, patting away with huge amount of money fraudulently. It is better to beg for money online when in financial need or solicit for donations after offering an Information of value than to be engaged in internet scam. When people are using the internet for socioeconomic advantage without scam, such efforts should be encouraged. Some internet fraudsters have complained of disappointment they had when trying to offer something of unique value but not appreciated or rewarded to help take care of the earlier socioeconomic motive. Some Highly Educated West African youth who later became proficient in "Internet Scam Business", have complained sincerely of how some of their highly impressive writings that was supposed to be of value internationally was neglected for racist reasons by some White Folks from America and Europe that snubbed them. Those kind of "white folks" that do not help people with genuine needs are the ones that later become victim of internet Fraud related activities like "Romance Scam". Those internet fraudsters do not use their real identity but the identity of White Guys and Ladies in America and Europe as fake identity. 

Anything we do on earth is regulated by the Spiritual Laws operating in the Universe, one of which is the "Law of Cause And Effect" also known as the Law of Karma or the Law of Sowing and Reaping. That Law makes whatever actions engaged in to be subjected to outcomes which serve as a price to pay for such actions. Bad or evil volition gets bad outcomes on the doer. These outcomes may not be instant but will eventually come to fulfillment. You can check out this link for certain facts unveiled; 
Some so called Christian Prayers to clear the air of previous intentional wrong doings are actually waste of time as the reality of life experiences will reveal over time. The consequences of hurting the emotions of another person through internet fraud schemes will manifests in ways the fraudster never expects. Something eventually happen in the Life of the internet fraudster that makes them feel worse than the person they defrauded online. This manifests at the time the internet fraudster never expects. There are "invisible entities"that bring the consequences of certain bad actions to be on the initiator in a dangerous way. Money or Riches gotten from Internet Fraud Scheme are not sustainable and something will always arise to take the money out of the way putting the Fraudster in a future emotional trauma over certain losses.
Hence, in view of the above reading, internet fraud scheme actually originated in America and Europe, but when there came to be some insignificant number of West African Negros doing their own variation of the art, the Western Media blew the trumpet out of proportion. Internet Fraud Schemes also exist in significant proportion among some Asian Internet Gurus. However, many genuine internet entrepreneurs exist in all parts of the World today, making impacts on the Cyber World with legitimate online income sources. Many West African internet users are there offering something of great value to the world today without internet scam. 

There will be a Part 2 version of this post to reveal several ways to genuinely make money online but I will only introduce to you, url link shortening online business in this post. There are certain sites where you take the url link of any website you want to share, and get it a new form of url link. These are url link shortening services. The new form of url link is a shortened one with an advert interface when uploading before getting to the actual destination website.

If you are searching for "the best URL link shorteners" to earn money online use the Google search engine at your discretion. You will get information on some of the best and most reliable platforms where you will be able to earn a decent amount of money. There are various people who have a lot of traffic on their websites, yet they face challenges in making money from their link shorteners. So make the link clickable with an attractive call to action. URL Shortener is one of the best methods of making money online, and the best part is that you do not require a website or any specific skills for that. There are arrays of high-paying URL Shortening companies online that render excellent opportunities for users to make money. When you use a url link shortening service, insert on a blog or share on social media like twitter, instagram etc and earn from the traffic derived with the link shared. Facebook have issues with accepting some url link shortners, so set up an account on or any other microblogging website which you can create a post and share each post on Facebook for wider audience. It is also better to set up an account on Google Blogger and use short but interesting posts to promote the url link shortner on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Medias. Earnings through url link shortneing services is gotten on CPM basis, the significant dollar is calculated per 1000 views or clicks on the link shared. So it requires dedicated effort and patient to earn something from it, but you have to reach out regularly to reading audience with interesting stuffs online that will call them to click on the url link shortners. 

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Sound Vibrations And The Magical Effects Of Spoken Words [also inclusive; the reason to avoid negative or wrong use of words]


Be cautious of your choice of words. It is better to maintain moments of Silence than to use unguarded utterances. If you believe in the Christian Bible, the Letter from James Chapter 3 had a discuss pointing to the effects of the spoken words. Certain aspects of Metaphysical Studies and Parapsychology, also explored on the relationship between mental impressions and words in connection to human living experiences. The Human Words are also related to some aspects of "the Laws of Attraction", The Law of Mentalism, The Law of Vibration and The Law of Cause and Effect discussed in the previous blog post, click below; 

Human words emanate from the vocal chords which is connected with the vibration impulses of the Human Spirit which provides the energy for speech formation. Though organs in the body and biological activities are connected with speech formations, sounds are spiritual making impact on the material. These are connected with thought patterns and by metaphysical implications events around the individual. The effects of words arising in phenomenal occurrences are related to the circumstances which complements them. Human emotions are also connected with words either spoken outwardly or inwardly. Through our emotions, we relate to the outer world defining our experiences according to how we feel about them. When people engage in negative use of words, there are vibrations initiated into the ethereal environment that result into unpleasant outcomes if the circumstance for manifestation complements the words. Also, changing an unpleasant situation to become pleasant can be initiated right from the ethereal to the outward manifestation if the circumstances for manifestations are right for it.

Good will always come to those who wish for good. Speak them into outward expression with spoken words and act in the right way to bring about manifestation. Hence, the Creative Use of Decrees and Affirmation help to initiate special favors from the Universe on regular basis. Practice the exercise of positive use of words in the pictorial description below and closely monitor certain coincidences in actual manifestations. Events in the outer world around us can be influenced by "ethereal programming" which can be done through "spoken and inwardly expressed words". 

To get more insight on the above illustration, there is an eBook download attached to this post. The eBook presentation should be acquired for you to know certain Metaphysical details not fully explained within the limit of this post. You will discover some unique ways to manifest all wishes you have aspired to get realized, while eliminating every obstacles on the path. Also, get your copy of the eBook download below by placing your order through the "Buy button". Do offer your encouragement and support to the literary efforts of the author of this post. Thanks and let that which is good and pleasant be realized in your human endeavors.

Exploring The Cosmic Laws Of Attraction According To The Hermetic Philosophy And Their Significance In Human Living Experiences

In the ancient times, Egypt had a Divinely Called One known as "Hermes Trismegistus". He made efforts to reach out to the people of his time within his reach with Special Inspired Messages aimed at improving their welfare and redirecting their living experiences to the right path. He also explored on concepts aimed at achieving a harmonious relationship with the Divine reality. This was meant to help the ones willing to understand life better to know what need to be known for their own benefit. In his exploration of what is known in the New Age as the Cosmic Laws of Attraction, the Hermetic Principles was compiled and preserved within the Emerald tablet. Also credited to him is the "Corpus Hermeticum" a unique writing with deep insights into the Metaphysical views of Hermes Trismegistus. The impact of the wisdom teachings conveyed by him, made certain reverence to him as "a god of wisdom" years after his passing on through transition. He never agreed to him been referred to as a god of wisdom unto men or among men, but he was revered with the term Hermes among the Ancient Greeks and Thoth among the Ancient Egyptians. 

Over time, the seven hermetic principles were also passed down by word-of-mouth as well as in certain ancient derived scripts from teacher to student, and eventually, one day in the early 20th century, the teachings were compiled into a book called "The Kybalion", written by "The Three Initiates." Today, they remain a Mystical source of wisdom, separate from any real religion but powerful nonetheless.

1. The Principle of Mentalism                            

"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." —The Kybalion. 

The principle of mentalism states that the universe is akin to a mental projection. The is the fact about the Magical instincts of the Mind, which is all about using your thoughts to shape your reality. For anything to be, a thought must precede it. Through this principle, it's believed that God is consciousness, or thought, and the universe is a manifestation of the mind of God. Using this law, we, too, can harness the power of our minds to create the life we want. 

2. The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above." —The Kybalion

We've all heard this quote before, but maybe you never knew it was Hermes who first coined it. It's closely related to the first principle of mentalism and states that what we hold in our thoughts and mind will become our reality. It explains the many planes of existence, including those of lower and higher vibrational frequencies and how they're connected.    

How to apply it; 

Applying this law is all about understanding your connection to the world around you and how you're showing up for yourself and the universe through your thoughts, and subsequently, your actions. When we have a firm grasp on how we're interacting with life and how it's affecting us, we can recognize and break patterns, live in alignment with our highest good, and feel harmonious with everything there is. 

3. The Principle of Vibration

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." —The Kybalion

Yes, believe it or not, the idea of "vibes" has been around a long, long time. The principle of vibration states that all things, both physical matter and spiritual energy, hold a certain vibration. Basic science tells us atoms are in constant motion, as is the universe itself. Even our hearts, as they beat, give off different vibrations depending on our emotional state. And when we're "vibing high," we're able to avoid low-level frequencies that don't serve us.

How to apply it; 
This will look different for everyone, but to apply this third principle, you want to not only do things but think thoughts that allow you to be in a state of ease, where your body and mind is engaged in the right feelings and impressions. Applying the first two principles can help you start to do this. (You might be noticing all of these principles are deeply interwoven). With this principle, we acknowledge that we have the power to control our vibration rather than our vibration controlling us. 

4.The Principle of Polarity

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites"

How to apply it;
Applying the principle of polarity takes a degree of mental stamina and involves shifting the way you look at something, potentially completely on its head. Take the hate you may feel for someone: Is there any way you can shift it to feelings of love, for example? Any time a lower vibrational emotion is bringing you down, can you recognize it, feel it, and transmute it to a more positive one? 

5. The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." —The Kybalion

Closely related to the principle of polarity, the fifth principle states that between the opposing poles, there exists an inherent rhythm. The tides move in and out. We inhale and exhale. Everything is in motion. Nature has its seasons and so, too, do we. Understanding this principle allows us to recognize our life's—and the universe's—natural rhythms, so we can actually work with them rather than having them working against us. 

How to apply it;
Know that nothing lasts forever, and things are ever-changing. As you get deeper into working with this law, you'll be able to work with your own emotional states to avoid a dramatic pendulum swing of feelings. It's thought that eventually the master will be able to completely transcend duality, but if you're just getting started, try becoming more aware of your emotional state and using polarity (No. 4) and rhythm to start getting more comfortable with the natural fluxes of your life. 

6.The Principle of Cause and Effect

"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law." —The Kybalion

Everything is connected through the principle of cause and effect, for each cause of one thing is merely the effect of something else, going back to the very beginning.
Ask yourself, are you a cause? Or are you an effect? This principle is all about acknowledging the effects of our thoughts and behavior and how we may change them to bring about greater effects. 

How to apply it;
When something doesn't go as planned or you find yourself unhappy, ask yourself, what was the cause? Many times, we find ourselves reacting to the world around us, trapped in a back-and-forth of reacting to our circumstances rather than forging our own path. When we take action to get the effect we want, we move from feeling like a victim to feeling empowered.

7. The Principle of Gender

"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes." —The Kybalion

The seventh principle states that all things have masculine and feminine qualities. Yes, the two sexes can be thought of as a physical manifestation of this principle, but as we're all coming to understand, on an internal level, all of us hold both energies. (Think the left and right brain.)
Masculine and feminine energy exists in not only the physical plane but the mental and spiritual plane as well. The unity of these two energies is essential for creation, and when one has a balance of both, they're better able to apply all of the principles together for maximum benefit.

How to apply it;
Accept all the parts of yourself, and understand that balance in all is key for self-mastery. Buddha called this the middle way, and it's all about the balance of masculine and feminine; of heavenly and Earthbound; and of the mind, body, and spirit. When we can achieve this balance within ourselves, we're well equipped to harness all of these principles and use them in our lives for good.
If this all sounds like a lot—don't worry. These principles run very, very deep, and it can take a long time to fully understand and embody them. Each time you come back to them, you may understand them in a new way, or on a deeper level. And in time, these principles can help you master your own mind and your life as a whole.

Monday 11 July 2022

Developing A Progressive Mindset And Overcoming Unpleasant Life Challenges

Whatever challenges in Life that makes an Individual unhappy is not beyond eradication. There is the reality of Divine Energy which sustains Creation and empowers the entire Universe and its constituents for good. Each Human is an accessory to this and actually not helpless in the scheme of things. The Human body is energized by the Life Force which exist as the Individuated Consciousness within, and is called the Human Spirit. This functions with the brain, nervous system and the entire biological frame work of the body. With this medium of brain and other nervous system interacting with the indwelling Human Spirit in the human body, the Mind of the human body is formed. The Mind interacts with the invisible weaving of the Universe as well as the waves associated with Creation. Hence, it is very important to guard the thoughts against wrong or negative expressions. Also the vocal cords are induced into forming, Sounds, by the vibration impulses of the Human Spirits. Hence, human words and the mindset are connected. Do not use your words for negative expressions because they induce negative reaction or occurrences. 

Strive not to be mentally attached to unpleasant experiences, but fix your mind on improvement and possible solutions. Do not assume the feeling of hopelessness but fix your mind on hope and have faith in your ability to achieve something better. What is assumed as Failure is meant to be a lesson to make improvements and evaluate the reason for previous failures. Never give up in aspiration that is aimed towards good and value to others. There are consequence for every actions and inaction by the ways of the universe. What we give to life gets back to us as something to learn from. Have in your mindset that the Universe is imbued with every opportunity for growth, success and progressive experiences. Nothing happens by chance, they come to be by a causative factor. 

However, every human experiences is determined by the perception given to them by the Individual Himself. What you think and feel about something form your perspective of what you think as a reality. The French Philosopher, Rene Descartes inferred this in his, "Corgito Ego Sum", maxim [ I think, therefore I am]. 

Never place a stumbling block in your mind by thinking of obstacle to achieving a progressive change to a situation that is not pleasant. The Mind can attune with the Divine Energy to first fix a wish for a progressive change through Prayer, or Affirmation or Decree. This is placed in the Universe for manifestation in the form of "invisible programming", then the right actions actions are required to bring about actual expressions. Do not feel any worried thoughts or doubts in the process, because the reality of the Universal Law of Attraction is real as a later post will give deeper exposition on that. 

Mindset and life change form an ever constant part of the personal development which carries you towards the achievement of your goals and dreams.

For anyone who has spent time in doing personal development, the value of getting your mindset right, adapting and undergoing mindset change so that you can get on target for what you want is simple stuff. And with our results being reflective of our state of mind, we generally know once we have begun forays into mindset work, that we have to adapt and grow so that the external world can reflect what we are creating internally.

I am presenting an eBook as a follow up to this essay which will help you get a deeper and helpful insight on the theme of this topic. Please, get your copy on download by placing your order, Thanks for reading.


Sustaining The Tide Of Successful Living Through Self Discovery And Working Inline With Creative Passions

When a Child is born, there are Metaphysical facts about traits and inclinations that manifests overtime. The individual discovers that he or she have unique inclinations and interest in a particular human living endeavor. The child grows up to discover his or her strength or weakness in a particular field of living experiences on earth. The strength in a particular field of living experiences, and the yearning to achieve something as a unique feat with it grows into a passion. As the Ancient Greek Philosophers, Socrates and Plato both affirmed, "Man know thyself for this is the beginning of Wisdom". The Wisdom to make a unique impact through any chosen vocation starts with Self Discovery. 

It is important to discover what abilities, interest and passions that exist within us and how to cultivate. Through this there are so much wonders to be achieved while living on earth. People may succeed in vocations which are not within the passion of the individual, but the best and highest value is offered through working with an Individuals Positive Passions. I use the term positive passions because experience and keen observation have that not all passions have positive intents. Creative Passions should be such that add value to the welfare of fellow humans. A Creative Passion should not be based on negative vices. An Ideal Passion which is creative and positive have many ways of aligning with helpful vibrations from the Universe. 

After extensive research on this field of Life Study, I will give further insights through more Expositions below. Essential Guide on the effectively achieving Self Discovery in a progressive way, explained.

Have you ever stopped to consider exactly what you want from life? Maybe you’ve taken this first step toward self-discovery, but haven’t uncovered a path toward achieving your main goals.

Dreams, personal values, talents, even your personality traits may not always seem to matter much in the rush of daily life. But awareness of these characteristics can give you plenty of insight into your inner self.

Day-to-day priorities are important, certainly. But a life that’s nothing more than a series of going through the same motions usually doesn’t provide much enjoyment.

If you’ve reached a point in life where you find yourself asking, “Who am I, really?” some self-discovery can help you get to know yourself a little better.

Self-discovery might sound like a big, intimidating concept, but it’s really just a process of:

  • examining your life
  • figuring out what’s missing
  • taking steps toward fulfillment

There’s no better time for self-exploration than the present, so here are some tips to get you started. 

Maybe your life has gone pretty smoothly according to guidelines parents, teachers, friends, and others have recommended. If that’s the case, you might not have given your true self much thought.

Many people end up defining themselves by their relationships with others or the things they’ve always done, never considering the possibility of anything different.

Without a clear idea of the things that matter to you or the person you hope to become, though, you’ll continue living for other people instead of yourself.

You don’t need to begin with a complete picture — after all, your journey is all about discovering what the full picture is.

But try asking yourself things like:

  • What do I want from life?
  • Where do I see myself in 5 years? 10?
  • What do I regret?
  • What makes me proud of myself?

The answers to these questions can give you a starting place. If you get stuck, it can help to think back to a time when you felt fulfilled and happy and consider what contributed. 

Passions help give life purpose and make it rich and meaningful.

Maybe a passion for helping others guided you to the field of medicine, but your current position in medical billing doesn’t quite fulfill your urge to provide compassionate care.

Living out your passion might involve identifying the job you really want and researching the steps necessary for a career change. Or, maybe it’s exploring ways to volunteer with your skills as a street medic.

Keep in mind that passions don’t always have to be complex or relate to professional interests. Think about what you spend your free time doing on a day-to-day basis. What excites you and brings joy to your life?

Even interests like movies and music can offer insight. Taking some time to consider what you enjoy and look forward to most can help you discover ways to enrich your life.

Maybe you can’t name many passions. That’s OK! If you haven’t done much for yourself in a long time, you might not remember what you used to enjoy.

One good way to begin figuring this out? Do something new and totally different. You won’t know what you enjoy until you give it a shot, right?

Maybe you’ve always had an interest in artistic pursuits but never attempted anything after a college ceramics class. Check your local library or other community centers for free or low-cost adult learning classes.

If you can’t get to a class in person, try online tutorials. They might not be quite the same, but they can often teach you enough to know whether you’d like to continue pursuing the hobby.

Exploring new hobbies, especially ones you’ve never tried before, can sometimes feel a little overwhelming, especially if you go for the more adventurous options.

If you feel nervous, try to think of how proud and accomplished you’ll feel afterward. Beyond teaching you more about yourself, taking safe risks may boost your self-esteem.

Most people have a particular knack for something or other — crafting, home improvement, cooking, or any number of other skills. As part of the self-discovery process, you might consider taking some time to consider your unique abilities and how you might use them.

Maybe your friends always ask you to plan their parties or your neighbors regularly ask you for gardening tips. If these skills are something you can picture yourself developing, why not put them into practice?

Using your skills hones them, which can increase your confidence. Greater self-confidence, in turn, can encourage you to keep exploring these talents, along with any others you may not have noticed before.

Your personal values, or the specific qualities you view as most important and meaningful, can tell you a lot about your nature. These values can help illustrate the life you want to live as well as the behavior you expect from others.

Values might include:

  • honesty
  • compassion
  • loyalty
  • creativity
  • courage
  • intelligence

Clarifying these values can help you make certain you’re living them out. If you’ve never taken the time to explore what principles you find most valuable, making this part of your self-discovery process can have a lot of benefit.

When you want answers, start with a few questions.

  • Why do I do the things I do?
  • What drives me?
  • What am I missing?
  • What kind of impact do my choices have on the life I want?

Then, apply these questions to all areas of your life.

Don’t feel like you need to come up with answers immediately, though. Self-discovery takes time, and it’s most helpful to carefully consider your responses instead of grabbing at the first thing that comes to mind.

Above all, be honest with yourself. If you can’t come up with a good answer, that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. But it does suggest that some change might help. 

In view of the above reading try to also use positive decrees and affirmations. If you believe in God offers prayers. Never imagine a stumbling block in achieving your aspirations. 

You can also make that which you thought impossible to become possible through mental reprogramming and applying efforts in the right directions with a mindset free from doubts. Think of the good to be derived from all efforts applied. Also let your efforts be inspired by determination. There is an eBook presented below to offer you deeper insights on Affirmation and how to rightly use them to achieve unique wonders. Your unique support  and encouragement to my writings comes with the purchase of a copy of this unique eBook presented below;

Wednesday 11 May 2022

Insight On The Significance Of Wealth Creation In A Human Living Experiences

Every human living in a material body have diverse material needs to be satisfied. Hence, human seeking to gratify these material needs do strive to have at their disposal the available resources to achieve them. The means to acquire these resources should be positive and rational. Human were not created to be living a substandard life. However, there is the right place for every human on earth which need to be discovered. Striving to achieve proficiency in diverse affairs of human endeavors, rationality and enlightenment need to be applied.

Everyone have a passion seeking to be fulfilled and an inward value seeking to be expressed, but no one should disconnect themselves from the higher values which relates to their true place on earth. Love of oneself and fellow humans in our striving should always be the guide in all.

It is important to fill the mind with positive thoughts and optimism, always expecting good and seeking to realize that which is good and beneficial. However as we seek to satisfy our needs to feed ourselves and dependents, provide shelter for ourselves, exciting luxuries that appeals to our mind, and other comforts that makes living experiences pleasant, we engage in activities to bring these to realization. Those working to get money to aid this process also realize that the more they get, the more they seek. Hence, material Wealth are craved for which is very important indeed, but every truly satisfying wealth comes through the "Higher Values of the Soul". Material gratifications are indeed temporal and can never last for eternity, but the "Human Soul" lives even at the expiration of the material. However, having a Life time with the necessary comfort satisfied are of value when approached from the right perspective. We are connected to the means of Material Wealth acquisition and when done negatively will bring outcomes that are not pleasant in the long run. 
  The best approach in striving for the acquisition of material wealth starts with Self Improvements and Self Developments. Then discovering our latent gifts and natural talent. Hence, working with them to achieve the highest good in Life while striving to establish harmony with nature and our interaction with fellow humans. Never degrade yourself to negative vices in the quest for material wealth. Every material wealth is of higher and noble value when it impacts positively in the welfare of fellow, that we interact with. For example reaching out  in Selfless Love to welfare of humanity in the best possible ways we can. 
It is very important to understand the dynamics of the society or community we find ourselves in as well as the prevailing socioeconomic factors around us. However, a Human Soul that rightly want to unveil "the real wealth" of higher values must not be carried away by "the Corruption" prevailing among the majority in a given Society or Community. Hence, should stand out as a positive model, reflecting the Ideals which have the possibility of inspiring others to do what is right. For example, the works of significant personality in the World of internet innovations like "Bill Gates and the Microsoft Revolution" had impacted positively on others wanting to get a place in the "Cyber Space". In his most vibrant days, Bill Gates was noted as the richest man in the World. Interestingly, him and his wife back then gave some percentage of their earnings to charity and philanthropic enterprises. This was were "the Light" in him was truly reflected. Others that followed up with him in the Cyber Space achieved similar feat as him as well. 
   Realizing Wealth of Positive value from "the Soul" is also connected with Positive Affirmations and Optimistic approach to issues of Living experiences. This help in gathering the mental energy required to achieve unique feats. The scope of this post will be too long if I am to go on with further details on that.
However, I will be sharing with you my dear readers, a unique eBook which some persons have benefited from through their reading experiences. Minds are developed through such "Inspirational Writings" as will be unveiled through the eBook, I want to share with you. Inspiration have always been the guide to "True Wealth" acquisition emanating from the "inner light"; the Soul becoming truly awakened to the Higher Perspective of Life. Get your download of the eBook presented below, with a click on the "buy button" attached to it. Thanks for reading and I hope you benefited greatly from what I have to offer. 

Motivational Insight On The Genuine Ways To Earn Money Online And The Spiritual Implication Of Internet Scam, Part 1

The post presented below is a Part 1 of a well packed Enlightenment series which should be read carefully and patiently in-between line fro...