Wednesday 11 May 2022

Insight On The Significance Of Wealth Creation In A Human Living Experiences

Every human living in a material body have diverse material needs to be satisfied. Hence, human seeking to gratify these material needs do strive to have at their disposal the available resources to achieve them. The means to acquire these resources should be positive and rational. Human were not created to be living a substandard life. However, there is the right place for every human on earth which need to be discovered. Striving to achieve proficiency in diverse affairs of human endeavors, rationality and enlightenment need to be applied.

Everyone have a passion seeking to be fulfilled and an inward value seeking to be expressed, but no one should disconnect themselves from the higher values which relates to their true place on earth. Love of oneself and fellow humans in our striving should always be the guide in all.

It is important to fill the mind with positive thoughts and optimism, always expecting good and seeking to realize that which is good and beneficial. However as we seek to satisfy our needs to feed ourselves and dependents, provide shelter for ourselves, exciting luxuries that appeals to our mind, and other comforts that makes living experiences pleasant, we engage in activities to bring these to realization. Those working to get money to aid this process also realize that the more they get, the more they seek. Hence, material Wealth are craved for which is very important indeed, but every truly satisfying wealth comes through the "Higher Values of the Soul". Material gratifications are indeed temporal and can never last for eternity, but the "Human Soul" lives even at the expiration of the material. However, having a Life time with the necessary comfort satisfied are of value when approached from the right perspective. We are connected to the means of Material Wealth acquisition and when done negatively will bring outcomes that are not pleasant in the long run. 
  The best approach in striving for the acquisition of material wealth starts with Self Improvements and Self Developments. Then discovering our latent gifts and natural talent. Hence, working with them to achieve the highest good in Life while striving to establish harmony with nature and our interaction with fellow humans. Never degrade yourself to negative vices in the quest for material wealth. Every material wealth is of higher and noble value when it impacts positively in the welfare of fellow, that we interact with. For example reaching out  in Selfless Love to welfare of humanity in the best possible ways we can. 
It is very important to understand the dynamics of the society or community we find ourselves in as well as the prevailing socioeconomic factors around us. However, a Human Soul that rightly want to unveil "the real wealth" of higher values must not be carried away by "the Corruption" prevailing among the majority in a given Society or Community. Hence, should stand out as a positive model, reflecting the Ideals which have the possibility of inspiring others to do what is right. For example, the works of significant personality in the World of internet innovations like "Bill Gates and the Microsoft Revolution" had impacted positively on others wanting to get a place in the "Cyber Space". In his most vibrant days, Bill Gates was noted as the richest man in the World. Interestingly, him and his wife back then gave some percentage of their earnings to charity and philanthropic enterprises. This was were "the Light" in him was truly reflected. Others that followed up with him in the Cyber Space achieved similar feat as him as well. 
   Realizing Wealth of Positive value from "the Soul" is also connected with Positive Affirmations and Optimistic approach to issues of Living experiences. This help in gathering the mental energy required to achieve unique feats. The scope of this post will be too long if I am to go on with further details on that.
However, I will be sharing with you my dear readers, a unique eBook which some persons have benefited from through their reading experiences. Minds are developed through such "Inspirational Writings" as will be unveiled through the eBook, I want to share with you. Inspiration have always been the guide to "True Wealth" acquisition emanating from the "inner light"; the Soul becoming truly awakened to the Higher Perspective of Life. Get your download of the eBook presented below, with a click on the "buy button" attached to it. Thanks for reading and I hope you benefited greatly from what I have to offer. 

Motivational Insight On The Genuine Ways To Earn Money Online And The Spiritual Implication Of Internet Scam, Part 1

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